480.894.5437 Call us toll-free 1.800.685.2783
2167 East Fifth St, Tempe, Arizona 85281
1- Membrane Housing
11-3/8" Union “Y” Connectors
2- Reverse Osmosis Membrane
12- Flow Restrictor (inside waste water line)
3- Permeate Pump
13-1/4" x 1/4" Elbow Fitting (DM-40-4-4) for Filter Housings
4-Automatic ShutOff Valve for P.P.
14- Brass or Nylon Hex Nipple (NP-HEX-4)
5-4 Position Metal Bracket
15-1/4" x 1/8" Elbow Fitting (DM-40-4-2) for Membrane Housing
6- Filter Housings (10": optional 20" available)
16- Dual Mounting Clip for Permeate Pump to Membrane Housing
7- Mounting Clips for Membrane Housing
17-1/4" x 3/8" Push Fitting Tee
8 - Rubber O-Ring for Membrane Housing Seal
18 -3/8" x 1/4" Elbow Fitting (DM-40-6-4) for Filter Housings
9- Rubber O-Ring for Filter Housings
19-1 lb Check Valves (3/8")
10 - Stainless Steel Sheet Metal Screws
(Secures housings to bracket)
20 - Stainless Steel U.V. Light Housing. (optional)
21- U.V. Light Ballast. (optional)