CoD Feature for the Spectra 2000 Library
Install the Second DCM
You will need to install the second DCM in order to have physical access to all 30 slots
in the library once CoD is enabled.
Remove the DCM from its protective packaging.
Connect power to the library and turn it on
You will see the picker move and then stop to rest at the bottom of the library.
You will then see the rotation of the DCM, so that the first DCM installed now
faces the back of the library.
Use the library door key to open the library door.
Position the second DCM so that the holes on the left side of the DCM match the
pegs inside the library (Figure 13).
Firmly press it into its place.
You will hear it snap into place when it fits correctly.
Close and lock the library door.
Proceed to
Verify CoD Configuration
on page 17.
Figure 13
The holes on the side of the DCM should match
the pegs inside the library (vertical library shown).