3. Adjustment Settings:
i. Time-Delay: This adjustment controls the amount of time the lights stay
ON after the last detected motion. You may select settings varying from
30 seconds, 10 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes.
ii. Sensitivity: This adjustment controls the sensitivity of the passive
infrared (PIR) detection.
4. Remove the PIR switch by removing the containment screw and turn ¼
turn to release. Then remove under ceiling panel to gain free access to the
junction box in which to disconnect the wiring to the switch. Then remove
the switch and if faulty replace with a new one.
After power is turned on, allow approximately two minutes for
charge-up. If the lights turn ON and the LED blinks when a hand is waved in
front of the lens, then the Sensor is working properly. If the operation is
different, refer to the Troubleshooting Section. The Sensor is factory pre-set
to work without any adjustments. If you desire to change the factory
settings, refer to the Settings section.
Water Level/Water Heater Digital Display Unit fails to illuminate.
The graphic display screen shows the water level with a dial type display
and a digital read out with the gallons remaining in the tank.
The temperature is also shown with a dial type display and a digital readout
in Fahrenheit.
The alarm conditions are as follows.
1. When the water level drops below approximately 572 gallons the local
alarm will sound and a WATER DROPLET appears on the display screen,
if the remote alarm option is included then a volt free signal is also
activated. To reset the alarm the display must read at least 575 gallons.
2. When the temperature drops below 65 degrees Fahrenheit the local
alarm will sound and a BLUE snowflake appears on the display screen,
if the remote alarm option is included then a volt free signal is also
3. When the water temperature goes above 90 degrees Fahrenheit the
local alarm will sound and a RED snowflake appears on the display
screen, if the remote alarm option is included then a volt free signal is
also activated.
Whenever an alarm condition, high or low, exists an image of a RINGING
BELL appears on the display screen. The eyebath alarm is turned on when
water flow is detected through the eyebath and the local sounder/strobe
unit will activate, if the remote alarm option is included then a volt free
signal is also activated.
The eyebath alarm is not a part of the graphic display and will not turn on any
icons until the water level drops below 572 gallons.
The local alarm sounder/beacon has a built in 30 minute timer that shuts
the alarm sound off however the strobe will continue to flash until the alarm
condition has been removed.
Filling time for the tank will depend on water pressure and flow rate, usually
taking approximately 45 minutes to fill. Heating time depends on the ambient
temperature of the filling water; a rise of 50 degrees Fahrenheit will take
approximately 9 hours.
If the graphic display screen stays blank then contact manufacturer for
To remove the graphic display turn off MCB 3 in the enclosure above the
ceiling panel then carefully run a sharp knife around the top and both sides
of the display front to break the seal, carefully prise the display out of the
shroud opening and unplug the 32 pin plug. Using a small flat blade
screwdriver disconnect the 4 numbered wires from the terminal block.
Replacement of the new display is a reversal of the above, ensure the
numbered wires are inserted in the correct numbered terminal and re-seal
around the 3 edges, top and both sides.