SparkFun Tinker Kit
Example sketch 07
Use the "serial monitor" window to read a temperature senso
This sketch was written by SparkFun Electronics,
with lots of help from the Arduino community.
This code is completely free for any use.
Visit http://learn.sparkfun.com/products/2 for SIK informatio
Visit http://www.arduino.cc to learn more about Arduino.
//analog input pin constant
const int tempPin = 0;
//raw reading variable
int tempVal;
//voltage variable
float volts;
//final temperature variables
float tempC;
float tempF;
void setup()
// start the serial port at 9600 baud
void loop()
//read the temp sensor and store it in tempVal
tempVal = analogRead(tempPin);
//print out the 10 value from analogRead
Serial.print("TempVal = ");
//print a spacer
Serial.print(" **** ");
//converting that reading to voltage by multiplying the readi
ng by 5V (voltage of //the RedBoard)
volts = tempVal * 5;
volts /= 1023.0;
//print out the raw voltage over the serial port
Serial.print("volts: ");
Serial.print(volts, 3);
//print out divider
Serial.print(" **** ");
//calculate temperature celsius from voltage
//equation found on the sensor spec.
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