The FirmwareVersion and DeviceSN might be different depending the serial number that the manufacturer assigned. After connecting the fingerprint scanner to the FTDI, I
was able to utilize all of the features as stated in the datasheet. The features in the demo software are based on the protocol commands. We will go over two features that are
frequently used in this section. If you are interested, feel free to experiment and test the other features.
To enroll a fingerprint to the module, you would need to enroll your finger three times for each ID before the scanner can save it as a template. The white LED will light up to
begin reading your fingerprint:
To enroll a fingerprint:
1. Select an ID that has no fingerprint template stored by adjusting the number in the ID: field. For this example, we will assume that there is nothing in template “0” .
2. Press the Enroll button. The SDK_Demo.exe will respond in the Result: output by requesting “to input finger1!”
3. Place a finger on the FPS. The output will state that it is “Processing Fingerprint…”
4. Remove your finger when it asks for “to input finger2!”
5. Place and remove your finger until the FPS has successfully read your fingerprint 3x.
6. A notification will be provided when you have enrolled your fingerprint successfully. For template 0, it will respond by saying: “Enroll Ok (ID=0)!” At this point, the
fingerprint scanner’s white LED will turn off.
If the scanner is not able to recognize a unique fingerprint or detect the finger that was placed on the scanner, it will stop the enrollment and respond with a “timeout!” . If the
scanner is not able to recognize the fingerprint at anytime during the enrollment, you will receive a response: “The enrollment is failed!” Make sure that there is sufficient
contact with the scanner and that the finger is placed in the same position during enrollment.
The template will have a number associated with the fingerprint scanner and it will be saved in its local database.
After enrolling, you will want to test to see if the fingerprint can be identified. To test and verify, press on the Identify(1:N). The white LED will being to light up and a request to
“Input finger!” The SDK_DEMO.exe will check through the local database to see if it can recognize fingerprint against the saved fingerprint templates. If successful, it will
respond with an ID that matches and the time it took to identify: “ID=0: 546ms;” .
Example Code for Arduino
Using SDK_Demo.exe w/ FPS_Serial_Passthrough.ino
Testing this with a Arduino Uno based microcontroller (i.e RedBoard Programmed w/ Arduino or Arduino Uno ) and the serial passthrough code, I was able to connect to the
SDK demo software provided on the fingerprint scanner’s product page. This might be another alternative if you do not have a 3.3V FTDI to connect to your fingerprint
To use the SDK demo with an Arduino microcontroller connected to the fingerprint scanner, you need to:
1. Build a circuit between the Arduino and scanner using logic level translation. This is assuming that you are using a 5V Arduino.
2. In the Arduion IDE, upload the FPS_Serial_Passthrough.ino sketch to your Arduino.
3. In the SDK_demo.exe labeled Serial Port Number , select a COM port that is lower than COM10 (COM3 should be the lowest that you can use).
4. Select a baud rate of 9600 .
5. After uploading the serial passthrough code or powering the Arduino for the first time during the session, you will need to reset the Arduino. Press the RESET button.
6. After the Arduino initializes, press on the “Open” button in the SDK
Note: The available COM ports range from "COM3" to "COM10". If your USB-to-serial converter enumerates to a number higher than that, you would need to go to your
computer's device manager to force it to a lower COM port number.