Unfortunately, the fingerprint scanner’s Arduino example code for the does not work with the Arduino Due. You would need to modify the code and use it with the hardware
serial UARTs because the Arduino Due does not support software serial. This old forum post will explain why there are compilation errors with the example code using the
Arduino Due board definition => Arduino.cc Forums: SoftwareSerial for Arduino Due.
6.) What are the dimensions of the fingerprint scanner?
The dimensions are listed on page 8 of the datasheet.
7.) I soldered to the back of the fingerprint scanner and none of the Arduino examples work.
Those pins are broken out if you wanted to connect the fingerprint scanner directly to a USB port. The USB data lines are different from a serial UART protocol. If you are
using the Arduino examples for your project, it is recommended to connect to the JST SH connector. If you are interested in plugging the scanner directly to your computer’s
COM port, feel free to test it out and experiment. It has been tested to work with the previous models.
Fingerprint Scanner USB Pinout
Surprise! You found the extra section on how to connect to the USB pins! The connection to the USB was not included in the beginning of the tutorial because the main
objective was to use it in an embedded project with an Arduino microcontroller. To connect the fingerprint scanner with the demo software and your computer’s USB port, you
can connect the pads on the back of the board labeled J1 directly to the USB port of your computer. The image and table below shows the pinout:
Fingerprint Scanner
USB Port
Shield (right most pin)
USB Shield (not necessary if using a USB breakout board). Tied to GND.
GND (Standard USB Black Wire)
D+ (Standard USB White Wire)
D- (Standard USB Green Wire)
Vcc (square pad)
5V (Standard USB Red Wire)
For more information about soldering to the USB pads, check out the instructions provided in the the older tutorial. The directions are essentially the same.
Resources and Going Further
Now that you’ve successfully got your fingerprint scanner up and running, it’s time to incorporate it into your own project!
For more information, check out the resources below :
Programming Guide
SDK Demo Software
GitHub Repository for the FPS’s Arduino Example Code
SparkFun Product Showcase: GT-521Fx2 Fingerprint Scanner
Shawn’s Product Showcase Gist Demo Code
Old Tutorials and Project Examples
For more tutorials and project ideas using the older models of ADH-Tech’s fingerprint scanner, check below:
Instructables.com - DIY Fingerprint Scanning Garage Door Opener
Starting Electronics - GT-511C3 Fingerprint Scanner Hardware, Wiring and Connector Numbering
Homautomation - Playing with finger print scanner (FPS) on arduino
SparkFun’s Fellowship of the Things! - Internet of Things Ep 1: AirLock Demo Project w/ 3 Factor Authentication and GitHub Repo for IoT 3 Factor Verification
Raspberry Pi
There’s a Raspberry Pi Python Library for this fingerprint scanner if you look at the post by user jeanmachuca in the Pi forums =>
https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=74178 .