ZLS Series Owner’s Manual
Southworth’s “ZLS” Series includes Southworth’s floor height lift units. The lift table on
each unit may be lowered to floor height. This allows the operator to move loads on and
off with only a hand pallet truck. The “ZLS” series includes three models: Model ZLS2
has a lift capacity of 2000 lb. (900 kg.) and a vertical travel of 35” (88.9 cm). The ZLS24
can lift 4000 lb. (1800 kg.) with a travel of 35” (88.9 cm). Model ZLS6 can lift 6000 lb.
(2700 kg.) with a travel of 34” (86.3 cm.).
This manual contains information to help you to learn about the safe and proper
installation, use, and upkeep of a “ZLS” Series lift table. Please be sure that this manual
is available to anyone who works with the lift table. Be sure that everyone who uses the
lift has read the manual.
In the interest of safety, please read all of this manual carefully, and be familiar
with its contents
before you install, use, or service the “ZLS” Series. If you have
any questions about any of the instructions in this manual, please contact your
dealer or Southworth Products Corporation.
Southworth’s product warranty is shown on the back cover of this manual. This instruction
manual is
not intended to be or to create any other warranty, express or implied,
including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose, all of which are hereby expressly excluded.
As set forth more specifically in the product warranty, Southworth’s obligation under that
warranty is
to the repair or replacement of defective components, which shall
be the buyer’s
sole remedy
, and Southworth shall not be liable for any loss, injury, or
damage to persons or property, nor for any direct, indirect, or consequential damage of
any kind resulting from the “ZLS” Series table.