is d esigned p rim arily as a sou nd
reinforcem ent m ixer, bu t m ay also be u sed for basic
m u ltitrack record ing. The follow ing d iagram s show typ ical
configu rations w hich w ill illu strate how the m ixer is
connected to other equ ip m ent.
Exa mple 1 - Public
Address - Stereo Output
In this basic set-u p , an assortm ent of sou rces are connected to
the inp u t channels, m icrop hone to m ic. inp u ts, and a
keyboard and gu itar to line inp u ts. N ote that som e gu itars
w ou ld not p rod u ce su fficient level for a d irect connection, and
w ou ld requ ire a D.I. box connected via the m icrop hone inp u t.
The m ix L/ R ou tp u ts are connected to the p ow er am p lifier
and sp eakers, and a com p ressor/ lim iter is inclu d ed in the
Pa g e 22
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