The LIN E Inp u t is a 3-p ole
"‘A’ gau ge jack socket, to accep t
balanced or u nbalanced line level sou rces w hen the LIN E
sw itch(5) is p ressed . Unlike the low im p ed ance Microp hone
inp u t, this stage p resents a high im p ed ance(>10k
) to the
inp u t signal, enabling m any typ es of instru m ents to be
p lu gged straight in w ithou t D.I. boxes or external
p ream p lifiers.
Line inp u ts w ill be fou nd u sefu l as extra Effects Retu rns,
w here ad d itional p ost-effect equ alisation is requ ired .
IN SERT is a break p oint in the inp u t channel signal p ath.
It allow s the signal to be taken ou t of the m ixer, throu gh an
external p iece of equ ip m ent and then back into the m ixer to
continu e throu gh to the final ou tp u t. The Insert is a 3-p ole
‘A’ gau ge Jack Socket, w hich is norm ally by-p assed . When a
jack p lu g is inserted , the signal p ath is broken at a p oint ju st
after the H i-Pass Filter, bu t before the EQ section. The signal
from the channel appears on the TIP of the plug and is
returned on the RIN G. The insert p oint allow s lim iters,
com p ressors and other signal p rocessing u nits to be ad d ed as
requ ired to p articu lar inp u t channels and becau se it is located
PRE EQ, noise generated by the external equ ip m ent m ay be
red u ced by a sm all am ou nt of H .F. cu t in the Equ aliser.
5. LIN E
The LIN E sw itch selects Line inp u t w hen p ressed , and
Microp hone inp u t w hen released . When Line is selected the
Gain range is red u ced by 20d B (see 6 below ).
When the Microp hone inp u t is selected this control acts as a
SEN SITIVITY control covering a 50d B range. Channel signal
level increases as the control is tu rned clockw ise. When the
Line inp u t is selected it serves as a GAIN control, w ith the
scaling red u ced by -20d B from the p rinted scale. A nom inal
0d B inp u t signal w ill p ass throu gh at u nity gain, w ith the
knob set at the 20d B p osition. Som e au d io equ ip m ent,
p articu larly that intend ed for d om estic u se, op erates at a
nom inal -10d BV level and an increased Gain setting w ill be
requ ired .
Pa g e 11
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