6.6 Antilegionella
During the anti-Legionella function the storage tank is heated up to high tem-
peratures which can lead to scalding and damage to the system.
When circulation mode “Off” is selected, the Anti Legionella function is also
switched off.
The user has to make sure that the antilegionella function was successful at
the set intervals.
The AL function is switched off by default.
A message also containing the date is shown as soon as the AL function was
completed successful. We recommend to set the „AL start time“ in a period where
little or no water is tapped.
The user has to make sure that the storage temperature is AL Tset +5° when
starting AL. When the storage sensor S3 is installed: If AL Tset+5° is not reached,
the AL function is not started.
This anti-Legionella function does not provide complete protection against Le-
gionella, because the controller is dependent on suf
cient energy being fed in.
Special functions
With the AL-function activated, the controller makes it possible to heat the storage in
selectable time periods, for the set residence time (AL resid. time), until the tempera-
ture AL Tset is reached.
Additional heating is activated. When AL Tset is reached, the pumps are switched off.
0-10V pump and mixer use AL Tset +1° as reference.
Additional heating is switched off when AL Tset at S3 is exceeded by 5° and switched
on again when the temperature drops 1° below AL Tset.
As long as AL is active, Tmax is set to AL Tset +10° to prevent system shutdown.
The condition AL residence time is met when AL Tset -5° is held a t S2 for the set time.
This is displayed as „AL heat“ in the menu.
When AL was unsuccessful, a new attempt is made at the next enabled time period.
AL Function - Settings range: On or Off/ Default: Off
AL residence time - settings range: 1-60 minutes / Default: 15 minutes
AL times - Settings range: Mo-Su, 0-24h / Default: Daily 3-5
AL heat: Shows the date of the last successful AL heat up