Laser Power Check
If result of measurement of the laser power does not satisfy the
specification, either replace the OP (optical pick-up unit) or check
whether the laser circuit block is working correctly.
When the result of laser power measurement does not satisfy the
specification even though the laser circuit block is confirmed to be
working correctly, replace the OP (optical pick-up unit).
Connection :
Checking Method :
1. Select the manual mode of test mode (see page 13), and set the
laser power adjusting mode (item number 010).
2. Press the
key continuously until the optical pick-up
moves to the most inward track.
3. Open the cover and set the laser power meter on the objective
lens of the optical pick-up.
4. Press the
key, and set the laser MO read check mode
(item number 011).
5. Check that the laser power meter reading is 0.572 ± 0.10 mW.
6. Press the
key, and set the laser CD read check mode (item
number 012).
7. Check that the laser power meter reading is 0.763 ± 0.13 mW.
8. Press the
key, and set the laser MO (
2 speed) write check
mode (item number 013).
9. Check that the laser power meter reading is 7.34 ± 0.88 mW.
10. Press the
key, and set the laser MO (x4 speed) write
check mode (item number 014).
11. Check that the laser power meter reading is 8.81 ± 1.05mW.
12. Press the
key to quit the manual mode, and activate the test
mode (display check mode).
power meter
Optical pick-up
objective lens
Remote commander LCD display
Remote commander LCD display
LrefPw **
Remote commander LCD display
HrefPw **
Remote commander LCD display
WrPwLo **
Remote commander LCD display
WrPwHi **
Ver 1.1 2003.05
Adjustment required before Overall Adjustment
Note : Modify two adjusted values through the following proce-
dure before performing the CD overall adjustment and MO
overall adjustment.
• Adjusted values modifying procedure
1. Select manual mode of the test mode, and set item number
070 (see page 13).
2. Press the
key to set item number 071.
3. Adjust with the
[VOL +]
key (adjusted value up) or
[VOL --]
key (adjusted value down) so that the adjusted value becomes
4. Press the
key on the set or the key on the remote
commander to write the adjusted value.
5. Press the
key to set item number 072.
6. Adjust with the
[VOL +]
key (adjusted value up) or
[VOL --]
key (adjusted value down) so that the adjusted value becomes
7. Press the
key on the set or the key on the remote
commander to write the adjusted value.
V 1 n u m * *
Remote commander LCD display
: Adjusted value
V 1 d at * *
Remote commander LCD display
: Adjusted value