Integrator Training, UK
Digital Cinema Deployment
41 of 49
October 15
CHIPS Stand-Alone Integrator Installation Training (CHIPS)
Sony Projector Preparation for TMS
There is some configuration of the Media Block (LMT) in order for it to correctly
interact with the TMS. These steps should be completed after the projector has been
aligned and setup using the SRXC software.
The following setups require an IP address schema. If customer does not have a pre-
defined one, please use the default schema on page 14.
10.1 Screen to Screen (S2S) Network Setup
Log on to the Media Block using the Projection Touchpanel (PJT)
(UN: super, PW: 0955)
Menu > Content > S2S Network Setup
Enter the following parameters:
IP Address:
<Projector S2S IP address from the IP Schema>
Subnet Mask <Assume to be unless otherwise stated>
Default Gateway < Default Gateway IP address from the IP Schema>
10.2 Screen to Screen Source Setup
This sets up the sources from which each projector can ingest material. Therefore the
projector needs to have all the other projectors setup as sources. For example
projector 1 of 9 screens would need screen 2-8 setup as sources.
Log on to the PJT (UN: super, PW: 0955)
Menu > Content > S2S Source
Enter a Name:
(do not use any spaces)
IP Address:
IP address from the IP Schema>
Add all other screens to the S2S sources.
10.3 NTP Setup
Log on to the PJT (UN: super, PW: 0955)
Menu > Maintenance > Clock Settings
Enter the following:
IP Address:
<TMS Server IP Address>
Save Settings.