5. After the automatic adjustment of WIDE end is completed, mes-
sage screen is displayed in the following. Set the zooming ring
to the TELE end (focal length: 24 mm).
Zooming ring
6. When the ENTER key is pressed, automatic adjustment of TELE
end is started.
7. After the automatic adjustment of TELE end is completed, mes-
sage screen is displayed in the following. Set the zooming ring
to the WIDE end (focal length: 12 mm).
Zooming ring
8. Rotate the zooming ring to the TELE side until the background
color of the value (hexadecimal number) at the lower left of the
window changes to light blue.
* The bar and value (hexadecimal numeral) under the window are
displayed by interlocking with the behavior of the zooming ring.
* A green line is displayed on the bar under the window as a refer-
ence of the setting.
9. When the ENTER key is pressed, automatic adjustment of POS1
is started.
10. After the automatic adjustment of POS1 is completed, “ZOOM
- POS2” is displayed.
11. Repeat the operations from step 8 to step 10 to “POS3”.
12. After the automatic adjustment of POS3 is completed, message
screen is displayed in the following. Set the zooming ring to the
TELE end (focal length: 24 mm).
Zooming ring
13. Rotate the zooming ring to the WIDE side until the background
color of the value (hexadecimal number) at the lower left of the
window changes to light blue.
14. When the ENTER key is pressed, automatic adjustment of POS4
is started.
15. After the automatic adjustment of POS4 is completed, “ZOOM
- POS5” is displayed.
16. Repeat the operations from step 13 to step 15 to “POS6”.
17. After the automatic adjustment of POS6 is completed, “FB
ADJUSTMENT OK” is displayed.
18. When the ENTER key is pressed, recording the adjustment data
and releasing from adjustment mode are performed automatically,
and “FINISHED” is displayed when the process is completed,
then click the [OK] button.