Remote Room Speakers
1. Strip 1/2 inch of insulation off all remote room speaker wires. Be careful not to cut conductor strands.
2. Neatly twist the conductor strands so that they won’t fray.
3. To help ensure proper sound, connect speaker wires observing consistent polarity and Left/Right separation.
A. RED insulation = Right +
B. BLACK insulation = Right -
C. WHITE insulation = Left +
D. GREEN insulation = Left -
4. Connect the Room 1 and Room 2 speaker wires to the corresponding speaker terminals on the back panel. (Note that the NHS-
2000 and 1000 systems support a minimum of two remote rooms, expandable to six remote rooms.)
Remote Room Video
• Insert the Video cable plugs for Room 1 and Room 2 into the corresponding Video outputs on the back panel. (Note that the NHS-
2000 and NHS-1000 systems support two remote rooms, expandable to six remote rooms.)
Remote Room Control Signals
1. Terminate the Remote room control cables with “category-rated” RJ-45 plugs.
A. Use a cable stripping tool to strip off about two inches of the jacket insulation.
B. Untwist each conductor and spread the conductors out. Use the so-called “T568A” or “A” standard wiring configuration.
To do this, arrange the conductors in the following order from left to right, as seen from the cable side:
Pin 1: White/Green
II. Pin 2: Green
III. Pin 3: White/Orange
IV. Pin 4: Blue
V. Pin 5: White/Blue
VI. Pin 6: Orange
VII. Pin 7: White/Brown
VIII.Pin 8: Brown.
C. Pull each conductor taut, flat and straight.
D. Bring the conductors together and insert them into an empty RJ-45 plug until the jacket is firmly seated under the insulation
clamp. The conductors should extend out the front of the plug.
E. Insert the plug into an RJ-45 crimping tool until it snaps in place.
F. Crimp the plug through the entire ratchet cycle of the crimping tool.
2. Connect the RJ-45 plugs for the Room 1 and Room 2 control cables to the corresponding remote room RJ-45 jacks on the back
panel. (Note that the NHS-2000 and NHS-1000 systems support two remote rooms, expandable to six remote rooms.)