file:///Users/johannalc40/Documents/guide%20to%20the%20nx5u.html[10/25/12 2:40:02 PM]
• CH2 is set to INPUT 1 then mono INT MIC is being recorded on CH1 and XLR INPUT1 is being
recorded on CH2.
• CH2 is set to INPUT 2 then mono INT MIC is being recorded on CH1 and XLR INPUT2 is being
recorded on CH2.
When the CH1 is set to INPUT 1 and:
• CH2 is set to INT MIC then XLR INPUT1 is being recorded on CH1 and mono INT MIC is being
recorded on CH2
• CH2 is set to INPUT1 then XLR INPUT1 is being recorded on CH1 and CH2.
• CH2 is set to INPUT2 then XLR INPUT1 is being recorded by CH1 and XLR INPUT2 is being
recorded by CH2
*You can adjust CH1 and CH2 audio levels separately
1) Set your correct Input sources and audio levels
2) Set the INPUT 1 switch to an appropriate position for the microphone connected to the INPUT1
Line: For inputting sound from an audio device
MIC: for inputting sound from an external microphone that does not s48V power source
MIC+48V: For inputting sound from a device that supports the +48V power source.
When you connect a microphone to the INPUT2 jack, set the INPUT2 switch to an appropriate
position for that microphone.
Assigning the functions to the ASSIGN buttons
Some functions can be assigned to the ASSIGN buttons for easy use. You can assign a single
function to any one of the ASSIGN 1 to 7 buttons.
Functions you can assign to the buttons: