Installation guide | Supercal 5
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Cumulated energy
Cumulated volume
ERROR: error menu
65535: sum of all error code
Error Description: Sensor 1 Missing
Error Description: Sensor 2 Missing
If the calculator is set for Heating only, then Cumulated Energy and Cumulated Volume are
dedicated for heating tariff. Tariff 1 is customizable.
If the calculator is set for Heating-Cooling, Cumulated Energy indicates the heating en-
ergy, but the volume is the total one for Heating and Cooling. Tariff 1 shows the cooling
energy and cooling volume. Tariff 2 is customizable.
Dedicated to Cooling energy mode
Cumulated energy tariff 1
Cumulated volume tariff 1
Active only in Heating/Cooling &
Cooling mode
Cumulated energy tariff 2
Cumulated volume tariff 2