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Connection to computer (recording) and amplification system

Y-jack splitter

Caution: such connections may cause hum.

Mic input = 3.5 mm jack

Mic input = 3.5 mm

Connection to CAT 855 Lightspeed

A Sonova brand

Connect the the cable adaptor 1 × 3.5 mm, 2 × RCA from the Roger NeckLoop output  
and CD/DVD input of the CAT 885 amplifier.

Set the microphone gain

Connect the Roger microphone with the Roger NeckLoop.  
Increase the Roger NeckLoop’s volume up to maximum by pressing the volume button.  
Turn the volume knob of the CD/DVD input clockwise as far as it will go.  
In case of acoustical feedback, decrease the volume of the CAT 855 amplifier incrementally, 
until you can walk throughout the room without any acoustical feedback.  
Reset the volume level of the Roger NeckLoop’s volume to the middle or to the newly 
 desired volume by pressing the volume button.


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