4 Network Discovery and Webserver
Configuration : SNMP Settings
This page allows you to configure the SNMP
community string and SNMP Trap destinations.
The traps themselves are enabled on the relative
webpages, for example GPI and Levels & Times.
Community String
The Community String may be up to 20 characters
Trap Destination IP Addresses
You can set up to 3 different IP addresses which
will receive all traps generated by the unit. Each
destination can be enabled or disabled individually.
The default Community String is “public”,
it is recommended that you change this to
make it harder to guess, or descriptive of the
implementation. However, SNMP Version 1
community strings are not secure, they are sent as
raw bytes over the network, there is no encryption.
Fig 4-9: RB-SD1IP Screenshot of the Webserver SNMP Page