OPERATING MANUAL PAT-810/815/820 version 1.06
The measurement procedure is similar to the one described in 4.3.1.
4.3.4 R
measurement of IEC power cord
Connect mains plug of the power cord into test socket, and connect the other end into IEC socket.
The measurement procedure is similar to the one described in 4.3.1.
4.4 Durability of insulation (flash test)
only PAT-820
The meter measures the current flowing during the test and displays its value checking whether it
falls within the preset limit. Solely the appliance of class I and II can be tested.
Flash test
Before measurement, similarily to the measurement of insulation resistance (see sec. 4.3), fol-
lowing parameters must be set:
test voltage
(1500 V lub 3000 V),
test duration