CSW-H80 User Manual Ver. 3.0
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Figure 7-7 debugging message window
① Network Adapter
② Place for listing received debugging messages from CSW-H80 over the network
③ Auto update to display the latest captured file on the screen of ②
④ MAC address and serial port information of a selected product
⑤ ~ ⑪ Not available
ⓐ To start capturing debugging messages from CSW-H80
ⓑ To stop capturing debugging messages from CSW-H80
ⓒ Not available
ⓓ loading a debugging log file to display
ⓔ Closing debugging message window
If you have problems with communication or connection, it can be helpful for us
that you capture the debugging messages and send us to the file.
When you use [Debugging Message] function, it can cause network traffic because
the messages are broadcasted to whole network. If you don’t use it anymore, you
should uncheck the function.