CSE-H21 User’s Manual Ver. 1.2
Sollae Systems Co., Ltd.
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Buttons of the ezManager
To set the CSE-H21, ezManager communicates with the CSE-H21
through UDP broadcast. The ezManager identify with the CSE-H21‟s MAC
address. So user can configure the CSE-H21 even though user doesn‟t
know its IP address or the IP address isn‟t set to it.
User can configure CSE-H21 which is inside of router(within local
network). The UDP port number that is used is 50005.
The ezManager communicates with the CSE-H21 through UDP unicast
with IP address. So user can configure the CSE-H21 which is outside of
the local network. The UDP port number that is used is 50005.
The ezManager use PC‟s COM Port(RS232 port) when it configures the
CSE-H21. So user has to connect PC‟s COM port to COM1 port of the
CSE-H21. And the CSE-H21 should be in the Serial Configuration Mode.
Searches all CSE-H21 on user local network. The result is displayed on
the [Search List] box. Each value represents each ezTCP‟s MAC address.
And parameters of the selected ezTCP are displayed in the right window.
(The MAC address of CSE-H21 is on the bottom of its case.)
If user inputs the MAC address of the CSE-H21 into the MAC address
input box in the [LOCAL] tab or inputs the IP address of the CSE-H21 into
the [REMOTE] tab and presses [Read] button, then user can read only the
CSE-H21‟s parameters. If there are a lot of ezTCPs in the network so it is
hard to find the ezTCP, it is very useful.
Stores the modified parameters by pressing the [Write] button. The
CSE-H21 resets automatically if the [Write] button is pressed.
This button is for setting or modifying the password of CSE-H21. If a
password of the CSE-H21, user has to input the password in the text box
of the ezManager when user sets parameters of the CSE-H21.
User can read the current status of the CSE-H21 by pressing this
button. If user presses this button, a new window is appeared and some
information will be shown. (the running time, IP addresses, the amount of
receiving and transmitting from/to the serial ports.
User can debug CSE-H21. If the [Debug] option of the [OPTION] tab is
set and user presses this button, user can debug CSE-H21. When the
debugging function is running, CSE-H21 broadcasts debugging data to
the - 19 -thernet with UDP 50006. So user has to open the UDP 50006
port to debug CSE-H21. After debugging, user has to unset [Debug]
option of the [OPTION] tab to prevent heavy network traffic.