CIE-H14 User Manual Ver. 1.1
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Input Ports
Because each of CIE-H14’s input ports are isolated by photo-couplers, users don’t need
to be worried about the polarity. The circuit of the input port is shown in the figure below.
Figure 1-8 a circuit of the input port
The voltage specification of the input port is as follows:
Over 1.8V
Under 1.2V
Max. Input Voltage
DC 24V
Auto Polarity
Table 1-3 the voltage specification of the input ports
The input port is interfaced with a 5mm terminal block. Thus, use a (-) shaped
screwdriver to connect it with the user device.
Types for giving input
The type of the input ports is a wet contact by photo-couplers, which needs two
wires with different voltage levels to make an input signal. Needed a dry contact, you
are allowed to use a DCA(Dry Contact Adapter) so that you can give an input signal
(ON or HIGH) with switch (relay) interface.
The input ports are designed only for monitoring signals.