NeonMax 24V 85W
Toll Free. 425-582-7533
page 4
If you are using standard power cables (red and black wires) keep in mind which contact is positive and negative when soldering your connections. On
the strip, you can identify which side is positive or negative by looking for the icons corresponding to positive and negative (see Figure 7). Depending on
the model of the strip the positive may be on top with negative on bottom or vice versa.
The example shown in Figure 8 utilizes Solid Apollo’s 15ft Waterproof Cable which has a white strip running along the positive wire as an identifier.
When using a similar cable with a barrel connector, double check you’re connecting the positive wire to the positive contact and the negative wire to the
negative contact to avoid a short circuit or having to re-solder.
Step 6:
Soldering Positive and Negative Wires
Figure 7.
Figure 8.
Before completing a waterproof seal, check first to see if your
connections work. Once you’ve confirmed the strip properly lights,
put a pinch of the 5g Waterproofing glue inside the
Cable End Cap
(Figure 9). Slide the end cap over the connection and the beginning
of the strip until it’s snug and you’re good to go.
Please note:
Let the unit dry for at least
24 hours
installing or using the NeonMax.
Like Step 7, check first to see if your connections work. Once you’ve
confirmed the strip properly lights, put a pinch of the 5g Waterproofing
glue inside the
End Cap
(Figure 10). Slide the end cap over the end of
the strip until it’s snug and you’re good to go.
Please note:
Let the unit dry for at least
24 hours
before installing or
using the NeonMax.
Step 7:
Waterproof Seal - Cable End Cap
Step 8:
Waterproof Seal - End Cap
Figure 9.
Figure 10.