Chapter 6: User Interface
SolarEdge Installation Guide – MAN-01-00002-1.7
to display the following options:
V e r s i o n s
E r r o r L o g
W a r n i n g l o g
Displays inverter firmware versions :
I D : # # # # # # # # # #
D S P 1 V e r : 1 . 2 1 0 . 1 7 7
D S P 2 V e r : 1 . 3 4 . 0
C P U V e r : 2 . 2 9 3
The inverter ID.
DSP ver.:
The motherboard firmware version.
CPU ver.:
The communication board firmware version.
Error Log:
Displays the last five errors.
Warning Log:
Displays the last five warnings.
Operational Mode - Status Screens
Pressing the external LCD light button turns on the LCD backlight. Additional presses display the following
screens one after the other.
Initial Inverter Status Window
V a c [ v ] V d c [ v ] P a c [ w ]
2 4 0 . 7 3 7 1 . 9 2 3 4 9 . 3
P _ O K : X X X / Y Y Y < S _ O K >
Vac [V]:
The AC output voltage.
Vdc [V]:
The DC input voltage.
Pac [W]:
The AC output power.
There is a connection to the power optimizers and at least one power optimizer is
sending monitoring data. XXX is the number of power optimizers for which telemetries have been
received in the last two hours. YYY is the number of paired power optimizers identified during the
most recent pairing process. If XXX and YYY are not equal there may be a pairing issue.
: The connection to the SolarEdge Monitoring server is successful (should appear only if the
inverter is connected to the server)
Indicates the position of the inverter ON/OFF switch.
Please have these numbers ready when you contact SolarEdge support.