Device Manual V3.2_iOS
The color and the shade of the buttons indicate
the device’s state:
a) All buttons are grey: the smart phone is not connected to the device via Bluetooth
b) SOL device is turned off
c) SOL device is turned on
Figure 2:Smart phone is not
Figure 3: User Interface,
Figure 4: User Interface,
connected to the device
SOL device is turned off
SOL device is turned on
via Bluetooth
The sign under the buttons represents the state of the
button’s function:
Figure 5: States of the buttons of the User Interface
Owing to the bi-directional communication the device always reports its actual state to the
smart phone,
therefore the User Interface of the SOL device always shows the actual
configuration and there’s no need to set that.
For instance, in case you change the
ionizing device to the air-scenting device the button of the ionizing device goes grey
(inactive) and the button of the air-scenting device lights up (active) without any further