ITYS 1-3 kVA - 551430A - SOCOMEC
• In the event that the equipment has no automatic backfeed protection
contactor device and is not a pluggable device by power cord, ensure that:
- the user/installer attaches warning labels to all mains isolating switches
located remotely from the area where the UPS is situated, in order to inform
service personnel that the circuit is connected to a UPS.
- an external isolating device is installed.
• Avoid exposing the UPS to contact with water or any liquids generally. Do not
insert foreign objects into the cabinet.
The product you have selected, given the specified conditions of use, capacity
and performance limits, is designed exclusively for commercial and industrial
operation. Using the product in critical applications could require compliance
with statutory regulations and standards, specific local bylaws, or adaptation
to SOCOMEC recommendations. For this type of use it is always advisable
to contact SOCOMEC beforehand for confirmation regarding the capacity of
products to meet required levels of safety, performance and reliability. Critical
applications include, in particular, life support systems, medical applications,
commercial transport, nuclear facilities or any other systems where failure of the
product might on occasion cause serious damage to persons or property.
This is a product for commercial and industrial applications in an industrial
environment – installation restrictions or additional measures may be needed to
prevent interference.
Torn, crushed or damaged packaging which exposes the contents should be
set aside in an isolated area and inspected by a qualified person. If the package
cannot be shipped the contents must be promptly collected, segregated, and
either the sender or recipient contacted.
• Since the UPS power cord functions as an isolating device, ensure ready
access to the mains power socket where the UPS is connected, and/or the rear
panel of the UPS, so the unit can be easily unplugged.
• The UPS generates a leakage current of approximately 3 mA. To guarantee the
maximum leakage current of 3.5 mA, ensure the leakage current generated
by the load is no greater than 0.5 mA. Should the leakage current from the
load exceed this limit, instruct a skilled engineer to install an industrial type
connection (to IEC 309 standard) between the UPS and the a.c. mains supply,
sized to handle a current compatible with the rating of the appliance.