SOCOMEC - Ref. : 875 092A
To accept zero reset and pass to
communication parameters configu-
ration with the device’s address
To configure value from 1 - 255
(10 by default).
To accept address configuration and
pass to communication speed in
Bauds (bd).
To select speed from following list:
4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 bauds.
To accept speed and pass to parity
To select ‘no’ for no parity, or ‘EvEn’
or ‘odd’ as required.
To accept parity and pass to stop bit
To select ‘StoP 1’ for one stop bit
and ‘StoP 2’ for 2 stop bits.
To accept stop bit value and pass to
clock meter configuration (dAY).
To configure days 1 - 31.
To configure setting (dAY) and pass
to month (MOntH).
To configure months 1 - 12.
To accept month setting (MOntH)
and pass to year (YEAr).
To configure years 0 - 99.
Press the button for a prolonged
period to scroll rapidly through the
configuration screens. Press for a
short period to scroll through each
screen one-by-one.
The clock meter is factory set to
French time.
Once you have reached input 7 proceed as follows: