excessive wear in some of the system components.
Door hinges and latches
Door hinges and latches may be lubricated as
required with spray lubrication or SAE 10W oil.
After lubricating, remove any excess oil or
over-spray so it will not collect dirt and debris.
Slide pads
Check slide pads for excessive wear and replace as
Scissor arm bearings
Scissor arm bearings are self lubricating. Check
bearings for signs of damage and excessive wear
as outlined in the maintenance schedule.
The battery will have longer life if the water level is
maintained and it is kept charged. The unit will have
better starting characteristics with a fully charged
In cold weather the battery should be maintained at
full charge to keep from freezing. An extremely low
or dead battery can freeze in cold weather. Make
sure connections are clean and tight.
C h e c k s p e c i f i c g r a v i t y o f t h e b a t t e r y p e r
maintenance schedule.
Make sure charging equipment is operating
Lead-acid batteries contain sulfuric acid
which will damage eyes or skin on contact.
When working around batteries, ALWAYS
wear a face shield to avoid acid in eyes.
If acid contacts eyes, flush immediately with
clear water and get medical attention.
Wear rubber gloves and protective clothing
to keep acid off skin, if acid contacts skin,
wash off immediately with clear water.
Lead-acid batteries produce flammable and
explosive gases. NEVER allow smoking,
flames or sparks around batteries.
Rough Terrain Scissor Interlock Tests
The Snor
kel S/RT Se
ries are fit
ted with a very
im por tant safety fea ture, a ‘Sta bi liser/axle/scis sor
In ter lock’ sys tem that pre vents the sta bi lis ers be ing
moved while the plat form is el e vated, and pre vents
the plat form be ing raised if the rear axle is os cil lated
and the sta bi lis ers are not set or the machine is
The cor rect op er a tion of the Sta bi liser/scis sor
In ter lock is crit i cal to en sure that the Scis sor is
op er ated safely and with min i mum risk.
To en sure the in ter lock sys tem is func tion ing
cor rectly, be
fore op
er at ing the Scis
sor the
fol low ing test must be car
ried out prior to
op er a tion each day, in con junc tion with all
other rel e vant daily pre-operational checks:
Sta bi liser locked out when plat form
el e vated test
1. Po si tion the ma chine on a firm level sur face.
2. From the plat form con trols, start the en gine
and al low it to warm up.
3. Raise the plat form above the el e va tion
height (approx. 1.5 metres, de pend ing on
4. Op er ate the right front sta bi liser ex tend
switch while watch ing the sta bi liser leg for
move ment
5. If the sta bi liser leg moves, re lease the switch
im me di ately!
Lower the plat form fully, re move the ma chine
from ser vice and af fix a Dan ger Tag warn ing
oth ers that the ma chine is not to be used.
In the first in stance con tact the owner who
will then con tact the Snor kel branch or
authorised agent to in spect, re pair and test
the ma chine be fore al low ing it to be placed
back into ser vice.
If the sta bi liser leg does not move, con tinue
to step 6
6. Lower the plat form to the stowed po si tion
El e va tion locked out when ax les not
stowed test
7. Park the ma chine such that one rear wheel is
in a de pres sion (approx. 100mm deep) such
that the axle switch opens. A kerb or gut ter
may be suf fi cient
Maintenance Information