Maintenance Information
About this Manual:
This Maintenance and Repair Parts manual covers
current production machines only.
While Snorkel has attempted in every way to
confirm that all information in this manual is correct,
improvements are being constantly made to the
machine that may not be reflected in this manual.
It is recommended that you record the serial and
model number of your machine (see page 17 of this
chapter). This information is found on the serial
number placard.
Manual Organization
The Repair Parts Manual consists of six sections
with an individual table of contents preceding
sections 1 through 4.
Subassemblies and detailed parts are identified by
index numbers on the drawings that correspond to
the item numbers on the parts listing. When
requesting any part, always specify complete part
number, description, model and serial number of
your unit.
The following is a general description of each
section and its contents.
General Specifications
The section immediately preceding, contains
information relating to the general specifications of
The pages immediately following, contain
information as to the maintenance schedules -
lubricants and procedures for proper lubrication of
the unit.
Control system information
Provides a description of the EzCal LCD Display, a
diagnostic tool for the control system.
Repair parts and drawings
Repair Parts (Section 1), contains parts listings
and drawings for general mechanical repair parts
of all major installations and subassemblies of the
(Section 2), contains parts listings and drawings of
hydraulic components installations including
hydraulic schematics and individual components
such as cylinders, controls valves and solenoid
operated valves.
Electrical (Section 3), contains listings and
drawings of electrical components installations
including wiring schematics.
Options (Section 4), contains parts listings and
drawings of optional installations.
Maintenance and Schematics
Maintenance information
The parts drawings located in the repair parts
sections, are designed for use as a guide for proper
disassembly of the machine and components as
well as for parts replacement. Always refer to the
hydraulic system installation drawings and the
electrical wiring diagram before removing or
disassembling associated parts.
Do not attempt to disconnect or remove any
h y d r a u l i c l i n e b e f o r e r e a d i n g a n d
understanding all text concerning the
s y s t e m h y d r a u l i c s . I n m o s t c a s e s ,
disassembly of the machine will be obvious
from the drawing.
DO NOT mod ify this ariel plat form with out
prior writ ten con sent of Snor kel En gi neering
De part ment.
Mod i fi ca tion may void the war
ad versely af
fect sta
bil ity, or af
fect the
op er a tional char
ac ter is tics of the ariel
plat form.
W h e n d i s a s s e m b l i n g o r r e a s s e m b l i n g
components, complete the procedural steps in
sequence. Always check your work to assure that
nothing has been overlooked.
The following list is a gentle reminder when
disassembling or assembling the machine.
Always be conscious of weight.
Never attempt to lift heavy objects without the aid of
a mechanical device.
Do not allow heavy objects to rest in an unstable