6. Alert Patterns
Laser Alerts
The S2 incorporates a built-in laser detector. As laser often requires instant
action the device simply gives you a loud audible alert whilst the display will
flash all 4 LED’s simultaneously.
If you would like to Mute a Laser alert, simply press the ’Mute’ button at any
time during the alarm.
Gatso & Truvelo Safety Cameras
As you approach the Safety Camera the unit will begin to emit an audible
alert and as you get closer to the camera the ’Beeping’ will quicken. There are
2 different tones, one to indicate that you are above the posted sopeed limit
and one to indicate you are below it. At the same time the display will flash
either the two red LED’s if you are above the posted speed limit or the two
blue LED’s if you are below the posted speed limit. Please note that this is
just a guide and you should ensure you are aware of the speed limit at all
If you would like to change the alert to a visual alert only press the ’Mute’
button during the alert to temporarily turn off the sound.
SPECs Safety Camera Systems
Due to the fact that the SPECs camera incorporates a series of cameras that
monitor you over a fixed distance, a different alert pattern has been devised
to ensure that your concentration is maintained throughout the danger zone.
If you are approaching the first camera in the SPECs system your S2 will
begin it’s alert at 500m and will begin to beep. Once you have passed the
camera the unit will then emit an audible alert every five seconds to remind
you that you are still within the SPECs system. If after 20 seconds you do not
pass another camera, for instance if you have turned off the motorway without
passing the last camera in the SPECs series the alert will automatically ’Time
out’ and the alert will finish. Whilst travelling through a SPECs system however,
your Snooper S2 will provide both an audible and visual alert 250m before
each camera plus will alert every 5 seconds between them until you reach the
last camera in the SPECs sequence.
Please note that if you join a road in the middle of a SPECs system you will
automatically get a visual and audible alert, 250m before the first camera that
you pass.
If you would like to change the alert to a visual alert only press the ’Mute’
button during the alert to temporarily turn off the sound .
Auto mute
please note that after 5 seconds the audible alert will automatically be
reduced to approximately half volume
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