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5.6.1 2D/3D or North
This option allows you to select the view of the map that you would like to have displayed. The 3D navigation view is displayed as
the factory default and displays the map, calculated routes, Points Of Interest and safety camera data (if subscribed to) from a 3D
This facility customises the map view between.
To make your selection, touch the relevant radio button.
5.6.2 Speed/Time
This option allows you to change the information displayed in the bottom
left hand side of the navigation screen between the vehicle speed and the
current time. You can also specify if you want to display a twelve or twenty-
four hour clock and whether to display ‘am’ and ‘pm’.
To make your selection, touch the relevant radio button.
5.6.3 MPH/KMH
This option allows you to switch the information on Snooper between
imperial and metric measurement.
To make your selection, touch the relevant radio button.
5.6.4 Arrival/Remaining
This option allows you to display either the estimated time of arrival (ETA)
or the estimated remaining time left for your journey towards the bottom
of the navigation screen.
To make your selection, touch the relevant radio button.
To save the changes press the ‘OK’ button at the bottom of the display.
If you wish to keep the settings unchanged you can exit the ‘Setup’ menu
by pressing the return arrow
located in the bottom right hand corner of the display.
Your new settings will now be saved and will appear on the screen each time you use Snooper.