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Using the Multi-route function
To use a saved multi-route:
Press the centre of the screen to enter the ‘Navigate to’ menu
Press the ‘Multi-route’ icon.
Press the name of the multi-route destination you wish to use
Press ‘Calculate’.
Snooper will calculate the route to each destination stage and provide a new summary screen with the distance to each destination
stage along with the estimated duration of the journey to each destination stage from the start point.
If you wish to view the calculated route on a map, press ‘Map’.
If you wish to start using the Multi-route, press ‘Go’.
Please Note:
If you press one of the stages listed before pressing ‘Go’, you will see a summary screen where you can either press ‘Go’
to start navigation, ‘Simulation’ to see the actual route that will be taken or ‘Guide’ which will list the turn by turn instructions for
that stage of the journey. The ‘Summary Screen’ will also display the distance to your destination, estimated time of arrival and the
estimated time it will take to complete that stage of the journey.
Once you have pressed ‘Go’ Snooper will now display your current map position along with a small summary screen located in the
bottom right hand corner. The following information is displayed on the summary screen:
If, during the journey, you wish to cancel the current stage and begin travelling to the next stage in your multi-route journey press
the summary screen in the bottom right hand corner of the display and the message ‘Delete current stage?’ will be displayed. Press
‘OK’ and the unit will calculate your route to the next stage in the multi-route from your current position.
Note: If Snooper is turned ‘OFF’ and then ‘ON’ during a multi-route journey the device will retain the current route and ask you
if you wish to continue with the current destination or with the next stage of the destination or to cancel the multi-route.
Estimated time of arrival at the
end of multi-route journey.
Stage 1/4 - indicates this is the
first destination of the journey
Total distance of
multi-route journey
Estimated time of arrival
to first destination.
Distance to first