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Satellite Navigation
1. Starting Up
Once you have synchronised the SD Card and performed a download as necessary it is
time to perform the first Start Up. First make sure your vehicle is parked in as open a space
as possible, clear of tall trees and buildings so that the built in GPS antenna has a clear view
of the sky above. Next switch ON the unit by pressing and holding the standby power
switch on the top of the unit for 2 seconds.
The following warning will be displayed.
This unit has been designed to provide safe and efficient routing but it is not a
substitute for driving with due care and attention. The driver is responsible for
paying full attention to the road signs, road conditions and the proper operation of
the vehicle at all times
Please read the warning ‘and select the relevant vehicle type (where applicable).
Press “I Agree” to continue.
Whilst Snooper software is loading, a start-up display will be shown for just a few seconds and then the screen will show a section of
a map. Note: the factory default location is ‘Toft Road’ . Snooper needs to acquire a minimum of four satellites in order to work. Once
this has been achieved Snooper will ascertain your position and this will be indicated by a green arrow icon on the on-screen map
and the GPS signal strength will be shown in the bottom right hand corner of the display. Snooper is now ready to navigate.
As the GPS engine and antenna have never been used before, the first ‘Cold’ start can take anywhere from 15 – 30 minutes to
establish a satellite connection. Once initialised, subsequent start ups will take less time and eventually should take only a matter
of minutes.
2. Easy Set Up
2.1 Screen settings
There are a number of map views or different types of information that can be displayed on the screen at any one time:-
Screen views