IQAES00OPS 27/07/06
Version 1 Issue 1
This function allows information to be sent, via the
RollCall™ network, to other compatible units
connected on the same network.
For example, it can enable compatible audio delay
units to produce an audio delay dependent on this
and other similar units. The audio delay unit will
dynamically follow or track the received delay-time
information. This allows processed video signals to
be timed correctly with audio signals. This
automatic tracking system via the RollCall™
network is call
For more detailed information, see the RollTrack
section (Appendix) at the end of this manual.
RollTrack Index
This item allows up to 16 destinations to be selected.
RollTrack Source
This allows the source of information that triggers the
transmission of data to be selected.
Where applicable options are:
Unused (off)
Input 1 Missing
Input 1 OK
Input 1 CS Mode
Input 1 PCM
Input 1 Non PCM
Input 1 SR Unknown
Input 1 32k
Input 1 44.1k
Input 1 48k
Input 1 96k
Input 2 Missing
Input 2 OK
Input 2 CS Mode
Input 2 PCM
Input 2 Non PCM
Input 2 SR Unknown
Input 2 32k
Input 2 44.1k
Input 2 48k
Input 2 96k
Note that
SR Unknown
means that the sample
rate does not conform to any of the standard
sample rates (32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48k or 96kHz).
The destination for the information is set by the
network code address as follows:
Network Address
This item allows the address of the selected
destination unit to be set.
To change the address, type the new destination
in the text area and then select
(Preset) returns to the default destination
The full
address has four sets of
For example: 0000:10:01*99
The first set (0000) is the network segment code
The second set (10) is the number identifying the
(enclosure/mainframe) unit.
The third set (01) is the slot number in the unit
The Fourth Set (99)
Each RollCall unit has a unique identification
embedded in the units’ software. In this example
99 represents an IQBAXR, 142 would represent an
IQDAMDD, 255 a TBS100D etc. Inserting this
number in the RollTrack address ensures that only
the correct type of unit (in this example an
IQBAXR) will respond to the RollTrack command;
any other unit will ignore the command.
If this number was set to 00
any type
of unit at this
location would respond to the RollTrack command,
possibly causing unpredictable results.