Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Guide
No Power to controller
Not plugged into outlet
Plug into power source
House breaker tripped
Reset breaker
Bad connection at controller
Unplug connection and reconnect.
Bad connection at PCB
(Power Control Board)
Unplug connection and reconnect.
Faulty PCB (Power Control Board)
Call OLPI for replacement.
Faulty Controller
Call OLPI for replacement.
Faulty body wiring
Call OLPI for replacement.
Power light not on
Appliance not powered on
Press on/off button
Faulty controller
Call OLPI for replacement.
No display on controller
(Power light is on)
Controller temp is below ‐10°F (‐23°C)
Remove controller from unit and bring to temp
above 0°F (‐18°C).
Faulty controller
Call OLPI for replacement.
Heating light not on
Temp and time not set
Set Temp and Time, wait 60 seconds for heating
light to turn on.
Faulty controller
Call OLPI for replacement.
Faulty body wiring
Call OLPI for replacement.
Element not on
Bad connection at the element
Unplug connection and reconnect.
Faulty element
Call OLPI for replacement.
Meat Probe
does not
read on controller
Bad connection at the meat probe
Unplug connection and reconnect.
Faulty meat probe
Call OLPI for replacement.
Faulty controller
Call OLPI for replacement.