G r a s e b y M R 1 0 I n s t r u c t i o n M a n u a l
S m i t h s M e d i c a l
W a r n i n g s a n d C a u t i o n s
26. WARNING: Mobile communication devices e.g. mobile phones, should not
be used at a distance of less than one metre to the Graseby MR10 Monitor,
as this could affect the safe operation of the Monitor. Even if these devices
cause no obvious interference, possible interference can only be ruled out
if this advice is strictly observed. Malfunction of the Monitor can cause
incorrect or loss of monitoring resulting in infant injury or death.
27. WARNING: To avoid possible malfunction of the Monitor, do not expose the
Monitor to X-rays, gamma rays, ionising radiation, strong electric or magnetic
fields such as diathermy or mobile telephones. Malfunction of the Monitor
can cause incorrect monitoring or loss of monitoring resulting in infant injury
or death.
28. WARNING: Following a significant liquid spill onto the Monitor, it should be
wiped dry and inspected by an authorised technician before being returned
to clinical use. Failure to observe this warning could affect the functions of
the Monitor and may cause infant or user injury.