background image

The cord tension pulley can be mounted to the wall for outside mounts or
to the window sill for inside mounts. Choose the position for your
application. Make sure the draw cord moves freely through the pulley
mechanism. Attach with the screws provided. Proceed to 

step 5


Position the headrail facing
you with the controls
located on the side you
ordered (left or right).With
brackets installed and
aligned with each other,
place the front lip of the
headrail into the front edges
of the brackets. Rotate the
back of the headrail up into
the brackets to snap into
place. Proceed to 

step 4


Larger shadings may require 
additional brackets. If this is

the case, space the additional

brackets equally along the top

of the window opening and

aligned with the end brackets.



S T E P 3

I n s t a l l i n g   t h e   H e a d r a i l

S T E P 4

I n s t a l l i n g   t h e   C o rd  Te n s i o n   P u l l ey

Step 2b - Outside mount

Center the headrail over the
window opening at the desired
height. Mark the position of the
ends of the headrail on the wall.
Attach the mounting brackets to
the wall 4" inches in from the
marks making sure the mounting
brackets are level with each other.
Proceed to 

step 3






Once the cord tension pulley
is installed it may be necessary
to remove additional slack
from the cord. Draw the
carriers back to the stacked
position. Locate the cord tail
in front of the lead carrier.
Grasp the cord, loosen the
adjusting screw and pull the
cord until tension is
established.Tighten the
adjusting screw. Check the
operation of the track by
traversing it open then closed.
If the track is difficult to
traverse, loosen the adjusting
screw, release some of the
tension and recheck. Once
proper tension is reached, cut
off the excess cord leaving a



" tail.

S T E P 5

D r aw   C o rd  A d j u s t m e n t

S T E P 2

A t t a c h i n g   Yo u r   B r a c ke t s

If you ordered the Room Darkening upgrade for your Sheer
Elegance panels, please be sure to read through all of Step 6
before beginning installation.


When installing a Split Stack shade, separate the left fabric

panels from the right fabric panels.There should be an equal amount
of panels for each side with the same amount of billows.Treat each
side as a separate shade when installing the fabric panels.

Step 6a: 

Remove a fabric panel from a polybag and carefully

remove the low-tack tape from fabric panel.

Step 6b: 

Lay the wrapped fabric on a clean smooth surface and

unfold the fabric by flipping the slip sheet end for end until the top
of the fabric is reached.

Step 6c:

Carefully remove the low-tack tape from the top of the

fabric panel and discard the slip sheet.

Step 6d:

Unfold the top layers of the fabric panel and identify the

left and right side of the fabric panel. Labels are placed at the top left
and top right side of the panel just below the plastic Fabric Hangers.
The round yellow label is the left side of the panel and the round red
label is the right side.The left and right Fabric Hangers are halves of 
a Fabric Hanger set.

Step 6e: 

Starting from the left end, one by one grasp and orient

each of the Fabric Hangers so the sheer billows of the fabric
between each Fabric Hanger is facing you.

Note: Handle the fabric with care to
prevent any damage to the fabric panel.

Installing Light Filtering Panels

Step 6f1:

Starting from the left end side of

the track and fabric panel, one by one insert
the Fabric Hangers into the carriers of the
track so the billows of the fabric are facing
the inside of the room.This is done by
simply positioning the hole in the Fabric
Hanger below the carrier and pushing it
up until the Fabric Hanger is snapped and
secured inside the carrier.

NOTE: Be sure not to stretch the fabric
when inserting the hangers into the

S T E P 6

F a b r i c   I n s t a l l a t i o n
