Specific Product Precautions 6
Specific Product Precautions 6
Be sure to read before handling. Refer to back page 1 for
Be sure to read before handling. Refer to back page 1 for Safety Instructions
Safety Instructions,,
“Handling Precautions for SMC
“Handling Precautions for SMC Products” (M-E03-3) for Common Precautions.
Products” (M-E03-3) for Common Precautions.
1. Connect the vacuum pump to the port, which is lab-
1. Connect the vacuum pump to the port, which is lab-
eled “VAC”.
eled “VAC”.
Pressure adjustment changes from “atmospheric
Pressure adjustment changes from “atmospheric
pressure to vacuum pressure” when the input sig-
pressure to vacuum pressure” when the input sig-
nal is increased, and from “vacuum pressure to at-
nal is increased, and from “vacuum pressure to at-
mospheric pressure” when the input signal is de-
mospheric pressure” when the input signal is de-
When adjusting the vacuum pressure, be careful not
When adjusting the vacuum pressure, be careful not
to block the atmospheric pressure inlet port labeled
to block the atmospheric pressure inlet port labeled
Since this product is designed exclusively for use
Since this product is designed exclusively for use
with negative pressure, be careful not to apply posi-
with negative pressure, be careful not to apply posi-
tive pressure in error.
tive pressure in error.
5. In cases where the vacuum pump being used has a
5. In cases where the vacuum pump being used has a
relatively small capacity, or the piping has a small
relatively small capacity, or the piping has a small
inside diameter, etc., large variations in the set
inside diameter, etc., large variations in the set
pressure (the range of pressure variation when
pressure (the range of pressure variation when
changing from no flow to flow state) may appear. In
changing from no flow to flow state) may appear. In
this situation, the vacuum pump or the piping, etc.
this situation, the vacuum pump or the piping, etc.
should be changed. In cases where it is not practi-
should be changed. In cases where it is not practi-
cal to change the vacuum pump, install a capacity
cal to change the vacuum pump, install a capacity
tank (volume depending on the operating condi-
tank (volume depending on the operating condi-
tions) on the VAC side.
tions) on the VAC side.
6. The vacuum pressure response time after a change
6. The vacuum pressure response time after a change
in the input signal is influenced by the internal vol-
in the input signal is influenced by the internal vol-
ume on the setting side (including piping). Since the
ume on the setting side (including piping). Since the
capacity of the vacuum pump also influences the
capacity of the vacuum pump also influences the
response time, give careful consideration to these
response time, give careful consideration to these
points before operation.
points before operation.
If the electric power is shut off when in a control
If the electric power is shut off when in a control
state, the pressure on the setting side will go into a
state, the pressure on the setting side will go into a
holding condition. However, this setting side pres-
holding condition. However, this setting side pres-
sure will be held only temporarily and is not guaran-
sure will be held only temporarily and is not guaran-
teed. In addition, when atmospheric pressure is de-
teed. In addition, when atmospheric pressure is de-
sired, shut off the power after reducing the set pres-
sired, shut off the power after reducing the set pres-
sure, and then introduce atmospheric pressure by
sure, and then introduce atmospheric pressure by
using a vacuum release valve, etc.
using a vacuum release valve, etc.
If the power for this product is cut off by a power
If the power for this product is cut off by a power
failure, etc. when it is in a controlled state, the set-
failure, etc. when it is in a controlled state, the set-
ting side pressure will be held temporarily. Further,
ting side pressure will be held temporarily. Further,
if operated without sealing the setting side so that
if operated without sealing the setting side so that
atmospheric air is sucked in, handle with care as air
atmospheric air is sucked in, handle with care as air
will continue to be sucked in.
will continue to be sucked in.
9. If the VAC side pressure to this product is interrup-
9. If the VAC side pressure to this product is interrup-
ted while the power is still on, the internal solenoid
ted while the power is still on, the internal solenoid
valve will continue to operate and may cause a
valve will continue to operate and may cause a
humming noise. Since this may shorten the life of
humming noise. Since this may shorten the life of
the product, be sure to shut off the power when the
the product, be sure to shut off the power when the
VAC side pressure is shut off.
VAC side pressure is shut off.
The setting side pressure cannot be completely re-
The setting side pressure cannot be completely re-
leased from this product in the range below –1.3
leased from this product in the range below –1.3
kPa. In cases where the pressure needs to be re-
kPa. In cases where the pressure needs to be re-
duced completely to 0 kPa, install a 3 port valve,
duced completely to 0 kPa, install a 3 port valve,
etc. on the setting side to discharge the residual
etc. on the setting side to discharge the residual
This product is adjusted for each specification at the
This product is adjusted for each specification at the
factory before shipment. Avoid careless disassem-
factory before shipment. Avoid careless disassem-
bly or removal of parts, as this can cause failure.
bly or removal of parts, as this can cause failure.
12. The optional cable connector is a 4-wire type. When
12. The optional cable connector is a 4-wire type. When
the monitor output (analog output, switch output) is
the monitor output (analog output, switch output) is
not being used, keep it from touching the other
not being used, keep it from touching the other
wires, as this can cause malfunction.
wires, as this can cause malfunction.
Use caution that the right angle cable does not ro-
Use caution that the right angle cable does not ro-
tate and is limited to only one entry direction.
tate and is limited to only one entry direction.
Take the following steps to avoid malfunction due to
Take the following steps to avoid malfunction due to
1) Eliminate power supply noise during operation by installing
1) Eliminate power supply noise during operation by installing
a line filter, etc. in the AC power line.
a line filter, etc. in the AC power line.
2) For avoiding the influence of noise or static electricity, install
2) For avoiding the influence of noise or static electricity, install
this product and its wiring as far as possible from strong
this product and its wiring as far as possible from strong
electric fields such as those of motors and power lines, etc.
electric fields such as those of motors and power lines, etc.
3) Make sure to take protective measures against load surge
3) Make sure to take protective measures against load surge
for an induction load (solenoid valves, relays, etc.).
for an induction load (solenoid valves, relays, etc.).
Refer to the operation manual included with the
Refer to the operation manual included with the
product for details on its handling.
product for details on its handling.
Series ITV009
Series ITV009