Technical Information
Seilspielgeräte GmbH Berlin
Page 9
Handwerkerstraße 7
15366 Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten
Phone (+49 33 42) 50 837 20
Fax (+49 33 42) 54 837 80
5.2 Operative inspection (half yearly)
The first re-tensioning must be carried out after one to two weeks. Re-tensioning is made via the
tension nuts (M 20) in the hollow balls. Firstly the balls K31 and K32 are re-tensioned. After
removing the cover using an Allen key Size 10 and loosening the locking nut M20 Size 30 (Figure 17)
on the outside of the ball, the inside tension nut Size 30 is re-tensioned with the box spanner. It is
imperative that the locking nuts be solidly tightened after re-tensioning. After this, further re-
tensioning is made at the K30 knots and should be carried out evenly. In doing this the inside locking
nut M20 Size 32 is loosened after removing the cover and re-tensioned at the tension nut M20 Size
32 beyond the pre-tension marking using the special box spanner supplied. After re-tensioning, the
tension nuts on the K30 knots must be locked again with the locking nuts. Please note to the
spring lock washer between the nuts. In order to loosen and secure the tension nut and
locking nut M20 Size 32, the bolt M20 can be held with an Allan key Size 10 (Figure 16). Finally
the open hollow ball is once again closed with the cover. Please ensure that the cover is placed
evenly so that our company logo is readable. Thank you.
Further re-tensioning will be required once or twice more until rope expansion is fully spent.
5.3 Main inspection (yearly)
In addition to the tests concerning visual and operative inspection:
Checking the anchor frame for excessive corrosion (every two years). The anchor frame is to be laid
bear at the corner points down to the construction depth and to be checked for corrosion.
Checking the tube screw joints to ensure solid and gap-free seating on the hollow balls. If a screw
has become lose then this is to be re-tightened in the inside of the ball.
Check the locking nuts (Figure 17) to ensure solid seating at the K31 and K32 hollow balls.
Checking the tension system for damage.
Checking the slide supports, especially the ramp, for solid anchoring.
Checking the hammock post at the base to the foundation for any signs of corrosion.
It is imperative that at all tension points the ropes under tension do not turn. If necessary counter this
with a suitable tool.