Smart Power Systems
Page 31 of 52
d. Pressing the Mode switch a fourth time will cause the amount of time since the
oil filter was last changed to be displayed in the hours field as seen in Figure 21.
Time Since last Oil Filter
Change in Hours.
Figure 21
– Oil Filter Run Time Display
e. When the Command & Control Center is in Normal mode, pressing the Mode
switch five times will cause the configuration of the generator system controller
to be displayed. The “
” indicates the controller is configured to run an
enclosed generator, and the number displayed corresponds to the maximum
power output of the generator in kilowatts (reference
Error! Reference source n
ot found.
The system controller is
configured to operate a generator
whose maximum output is this
number (in kW).
indicates the system
controller is configured to
operate an ER-series
Figure 22
– Example Configuration Display
f. If there are no active faults, pressing the Mode switch once more will return the
Command & Control Center to its normal mode. If there are active faults, they
will be displayed in succession, one each time you press the Mode switch.
See Diagnostics in the trouble shooting section for more information on faults.