LAC-26 Technical Reference Manual
4/29/2013 3
1. Introduction
The LAC-26 is a two axis stand-alone integrated controller / driver, with input / output (I/O) capabilities
similar to the LAC-25. The first axis is for the control of DC brush type motors or actuators with its
integrated driver. The second axis features a high power driver for 3 phase brushless, single phase
bushed, and voice coil inductive load motors.
The LAC-26 implements a mnemonic type command instruction set via a standard RS-232 serial
communications interface. These commands can be executed directly or used to create command
macros which are stored in the onboard nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM).
The LAC-26 can interface to the real world via the onboard motor drivers, 2 channels of
quadrature type encoder interface, 4 channels of optoisolated digital input and 2 channels of optoisolated
digital output, with additional optoisolated inputs serving for limit, home and fault functions, 5 channels of
10-bit analog to digital (A/D) conversion (2 of which are reserved for monitoring amplifier output current),
and an RS-232 serial communications link. A proprietary RS-422 interface is provided for future I/O
expansion modules.
The LAC-25 controller card embedded within can control Digi Flex servo driver through the following I/O
ports. Digital Output 2 – starting auto commutation signal, Digital Output 3 – enable driver, Digital Input 3
– commutation successful signal from driver, and axis 2 analog output – commutation.