ERV130 & ERV170 & ERV210
Required Modifi cations After Pre-check
To increase the space between the hatch and the hull the entire SRF flange and motor must be raised at the stern end.
1. With the hatch in the open position raise the stern end of the SRF flange and motor until the appropriate clearance is achieved.
(NB: continue to
raise the stern height until this is obtained.)
2. Use a wedge to keep the thruster stable.
3. Open and close the hatch multiple times to ensure:
- Clearance between the hull and hatch when the thruster is open
- Hatch closes flush with the hull and extra force is transferred to the hull.
4. Record the height and keep the wedges in place for future moulding of the SRF flange.
Please refer to the graphic for special considerations relating to your model
Conflict with hatch
and hull
Hatch closed with
hatch opens
without conflict
hatch opens
without conflict
Raise SRF flange
on stern end
Use wedge to prop
the SRF flange to
required height
SRF Flange Installation
1. Surfaces to be moulded/ bonded must be ground to remove coating and material to achieve suffi cient adhesion.
2. Apply Epoxy fi ller or equivalent on bottom edges of SRF flange or on the hull for bonding between connection surfaces. Ensure the fi ller is
compatible with hull materials.
3. Place the SRF flange into position ensuring the correct orientation. Fill gaps between SRF and hull with Epoxy fi ller or equivalent. Grind and
smooth the surfaces after curing time.
4. Apply layers of fi bre glass and ensure that resin is compatible with hull materials.
5. After curing time, smooth all moulded surfaces and apply coating. Apply putty before coating if necessary.
After moulding in SRF flange is completed, the upper thruster case is ready to be installed.
General Moulding process
Start the laminating with a strong attachment point in each corner between the hull and the outside of the lower unit. Use epoxy and fi breglass cutting
or similar, which laminating material is the actual boat builders responsibility. Cover the upper part if grinding is necessary. After moulding material
have cured, run the retract mechanism down, disassemble the hatch and remove the upper part from the unit.
Laminate the inside and outside of the SRF flange solid to the hull. Use appropriate fi breglass cloth (which laminating material is the actual
boat builders responsibility). Before grinding of hull and SRF flange, precautions must be taken against grinding dust inside the boat. Grind deepest
where the hull and SRF flange meets.
Please refer to the graphic for special considerations relating to your model
Apply Epoxy filer or equivalent for
bonding between hull and SRF flange
Fill all gaps with Expoxy filler or
equivalent, with thruster case resting on
the SRF flange. Grind and smoothen
surfaces after cutting.
After curing time - Smoothen all
moulded surfaces.
Layers of fiberglass cloth
Grind in this area, deepest where the
hull and lower unit meets.
Inside and outside
moulding surfaces must be
ground to remove coating/
material to achieve correct
adhesion for moulding.
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