Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Tape Machines 9
Settings Panels
All of the seYngs in the VTM SeYngs Panels (with the excepPon of Group CalibraPon Levels)
are GLOBAL. Noise ReducPon, Wow & Flu\er, Bass Alignment, Hiss Automute, VU BallisPcs and
Default Group SeYngs will affect EVERY instance of VTM in your session.
Noise Reduction
We’ve taken great care to model the noise
characterisPcs of each machine, tape type
and speed. This may be undesirable in some
situaPons. This slider allows you to fine tune
the amount of tape hiss in your mix. Dragging
this slider to the far leT will remove noise
Wow & Flutter
The subtle pitch and amplitude variaPons
inherent in tape machines have been
faithfully reproduced with VTM as well. The
effect intensifies as the slider is dragged to
the right.
Hiss Automute
AutomaPcally mutes the tape hiss when no
signal is present at input.
Bass Alignment
Allows for fine control over the low-‐end
response of each tape machine.
VU Ballistics
Adjusts the VU Needle Response to either
Fast, Mid, or Slow.
Default Group
Determines which Group the VTM is assigned
to upon instanPaPon. This is very useful for
seYng up groups quickly!
Unlike VCC, SeYngs are stored in the Session File and not a separate seYngs file on your hard drive. If you wish to
have your own default seYngs, we recommend saving VTM presets for recall in your DAW. Please consult your
DAW’s user manual for instrucPons on saving presets, and seYng a User Default preset.