3. Operation
3.1 Starting
Before removing or installing the Cup Nº02 (Pic.01) be sure the motor has
completely stopped in order to avoid coupling premature wear out.
The Blender is activated by turning the On/Off Switch Nº08 located in the Motor
Housing Nº06 (Pic.01) to ON position.
3.2 Feeding Procedures
The High Performance Industrial Blender works at high speed (approximately
3.500 rpm). To feed it proceed as follows:
1 - Remove the Lid Nº01 (Pic.01).
2 - Put product inside the Cup Nº02 (Pic.01) with the machine switched OFF.
3 - Place the Lid Nº01 (Pic.01) back on top of the Cup and switch the machine
The processing time depends on the kind of each product. It is not
recommended to blend products without the addition of any liquid, otherwise it
will overheat and damage the Cup seal.
3.3 Cleaning
Never do cleaning with machine plugged in. Always unplug machine before
cleaning. Before removing the Cup be sure the motor has completely stopped.
When washing inside the Cup be careful with the blade.
The new SKYMSEN Blenders models were developed for easy cleaning. Wash
the removable parts with running water and neutral soap and wipe up the others with a
damp cloth.
Follow the below instructions for washing removable parts:
3.3.1 Unplug the machine.
3.3.2 Remove the Lid Nº01 first then the Cup Nº02 (Pic.02).
3.3.3 Wash all removable parts with running water and neutral soap.
3.3.4 To reinstall them, follow the above order inversely.
When washing inside the Cup be careful with the blade as it has sharp edges.
3.3.1 Cautions with Stainless Steel:
The Stainless Steel may present rust signs, which ARE ALWAYS CAUSED
BY EXTERNAL AGENTS, especially when the cleaning or sanitization is not
constant and appropriate.
The Stainless Steel resistance towards corrosion is mainly due to the
presence of chrome, which in contact with oxygen allows the formation of a very
thin protective coat. This protective coat is formed through the whole surface of the
steel, blocking the action of external corrosive agents.
When the protective coat is broken, the corrosion process begins, being
possible to avoid it by means of constant and adequate cleaning.
Cleaning must always be done immediately after using the equipment. For
such end, use water, neutral soap or detergent, and clean the equipment with a soft
cloth or a nylon sponge. Then rinse it with plain running water, and dry immediately
with a soft cloth, this way avoiding humidity on surfaces and especially on gaps.
The rinsing and drying processes are extremely important to prevent stains
and corrosion from arising.
Acid solutions, salty solutions, disinfectants and some sterilizing solutions
(hypochlorites, tetravalent ammonia salts, iodine compounds, nitric acid
and others), must be AVOIDED, once it cannot remain for long in contact
with the stainless steel:
These substances attack the stainless steel due to the CHLORINE on its
composition, causing corrosion spots (pitting).
Even detergents used in domestic cleaning must not remain in contact with
the stainless steel longer than the necessary, being mandatory to remove it with plain
water and then dry the surface completely.