Never touch turning parts with your hands or any other way ,
NEVER operate the machine without any original safety devices under perfect condi ons.
4.5 A er Finishing The Work
4.5.1 Precau ons
Always TURN THE MACHINE OFF before cleaning by removing the plug from the socket.
Never clean the machine unless it has come to a complete stop.
Put all the components back to their func onal posi ons before turning the machine ON
Check the level of oil.
Do NOT insert your fingers in between belts and pulleys nor chains and gears.
4.6 Maintenance
4.6.1 Danger
Any maintenance with the machine in working situa on is dangerous. TURN IT OFF BY
4.7 Warning
Electrical or mechanical maintenance has to be undertaken by qualified personnel. The
person in charge of maintenance has to be sure that the machine is under TOTAL SAFETY
condi ons when working.
5. Analysis and Problems Solving
5.1 Problem, causes and solu ons
The Professional Blenders models LI/LT and LV have been designed to need minimum
maintenance. However, some performance failures may happen due normal wear during
the machine life me.
If some problem arises with your Professional Blenders models LI / LT and LV, check Table -
02 as follows, where there are detailed some recommended possible solu ons.
* Service life – 2 years for regular work shi
Always remove the plug from the socket in any emergency situa on.