Some tips to help you
Check the settings of your WiFi network and update these settings if necessary:
Choose a different WiFi channel, which is less occupied. You can download the
free of charge WiFi Analyzer tool on your smart phone to check available
wireless networks in your area.
Check if your wireless is set to accept B/G/N connections
Check if your wireless network is set to support 2.4 GHz frequency
You may want to change the security key (WPA/WPA2 with TKIP for example)
However, if you have tried several times to sync the SkyBell and you are still not able
to get it working, stop the process and contact us for further assistance.
5.0 Using the SkyBell App
If everything has gone well and your SkyBell is synced properly you can press the
SkyBell button to test it.
A push notification will appear on your smart phone and/or tablet named “Incoming
from…” and a “Ding Dong” sound is played.
Unlock your phone and press on the notification/message. You will see the following