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Erection of the Mixer
The auger trough is mounted with auger and hopper with safety grid when
supplied from the factory.
In order to secure that the mixer is tight attach the enclosed tightening tape to
all assembled surfaces before the mixer superstructure is mounted.
The pos. Nos. refer to figure 7.
Bolt the sides for the auger trough, pos. 10 and 11, and end plate, pos. 23, onto
the auger trough with M6x16 flange screws and belonging flange nuts.
Mount cover plates, pos. 27, on the two side plates, pos. 12 and 13, with M6x16
flange screws and nuts.
Bolt the sides for the superstructure, pos. 12 and 13, the back plate, pos. 16,
and the lower front plate for the superstructure, pos. 14, with M6x16 flange
screws and belonging flange nuts.
Bolt the plough, pos. 7, onto pos. 14 with M10x16 screws and belonging nuts and
Bolt cover for hopper, pos. 9, onto the lower front plate, pos. 14, with M6x16
flange screws and belonging flange nuts. Safety grate beneath the cover should
be mounted.
Connect the upper front plate for superstructure, pos. 15, to the inspection
cover, pos. 22, with 3 hinges fixed with M6x16 flange screws with belonging
flange nuts.
Mount front plate and cover on the superstructure with M6x16 flange screws and
nuts. The cover is secured with hand wheel.
Mount the cover, if any.
Mount the holder for inspection cover in open position (eyebolt with wire), pos.
29, on the two corners of the superstructure.
Raise the mixer at the motor end, and mount the legs, pos. 5 and 6, as well as
braces, pos. 30 and 31, with screws M12x30 and M8x20 with belonging nuts and
spring washers.
Mount the braces (across and inclined), pos. 24 and 25, as distance piece
between the legs and between the legs and the auger trough with screws
M10x16 and belonging nuts and discs.