System LED Indicators
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SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-S
User Manual
IMx-S 32
An IMx-S 32 is basically composed of two IMx-S 16s.
Up to 32 analogue channels
Up to 16 digital sensors with 8 configurable digital input channels for all standard
trigger sensors and 8 channels for square pulses with trigger level 12 to 24 V
S 32 unit has two CPU cards. Each CPU card, separately has 4 MB flash
memory with the same storage capacity of IMx-S 16.
IMx-S Unique Features
Individual conditions for alert and danger may be set for each measurement point.
Each channel has indicators for alert and danger. Alert and danger levels may be
controlled by machine speed or load. However, it is also possible to manually
bypass the alert and danger functionality.
The unit's unique built-in hardware auto-diagnosis system continuously checks all
sensors, cabling and electronics for any faults, signal interruption, short circuits or
power failure.
Initiating IMx-S
Initiating the IMx-S is simple to carry out.
This is done thr
ough an initiating program @ptitude On
-line Device Configurator or
Multilog IMx Configurator tool and a (portable) computer using RS232 serial
The network configuration parameters, such as IP address, IMx identification
number, etc. are stored in a separate configuration file first, then transferred to the
IMx-S memory. These are retained in the event of power losses, so that the IMx-S
can start automatically when power returns.
System LED Indicators
IMx-S has two system LED indicators on the CPU card.
Red LED SYS indicates system fault. On means that system fault has been
Note that SYS LED is on for a short time when the system is cold
booted or re-started.
Green LED
indicates the status of power. On means that the power is Ok.