Unit Configuration
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-S
3 - 7
User Manual
Figure 3 - 7.
Relay Open Collector Driver Showing Alarm I
System Relay Output
e relay output labeled SYSTEM OUT can be connected and used as an external
system alarm indicator.
This is a system fault relay that is hardware controlled by watchdog and cannot be
configured by software.
The system relay output is always activated when
system is Ok.
Important - Total coil current for all five connected relays (Dig1 Out to Dig4 Out
and SYSTEM OUT) should not exceed 300 mA.
Dig1 Buffered Output
Each IMx-S 16 has one and IMx-S 32
has two digital buffered outputs labeled as Dig1
In Buf Output (
a buffered copy of the Dig1 input) as shown in Relay terminal list table,
Dig1 In Buf Output copies and buffers the signal from digital channel 1 labeled as
This output is a low-side switch to GND. (The output does not provide any signal
power, just short to GND.)
This output can be directly connected to a two-wire tachometer input in the other
Connect Dig1 In Buf Output to Tacho 2
-wire input A and connect GND to
Tacho 2-
wire input B.
Dig1 In Buf Output and GND are located in last two pins in the relay terminal block.
The phase of the buffered output has been inverted on I
v1.24 and greater (with a hole in front panel for DIP21). (The
inverted buffered out will have the same phase as connected to
an IMx 2-wire input!)