The Agrónic 2500 has 50 irrigation programs and each of them can
be given a specific configuration.
Enter the program number.
With the type of start we choose how the irrigation will be initiated in
the program, by schedule (default), sequentially from another program
(also using the starting time “99:00” in the program), or by input with a
digital sensor. To choose one the three options, press the
keys and then press “Enter”.
Each program can be configured to operate irrigation units in hours
and minutes (hh:mm) or cubic meters (m3).
The pre-irrigation and post-irrigation units operate separately in
each program in the formats selected for the irrigation. The fertilizer is
added when the irrigation has consumed the pre-irrigation units. The post-
irrigation is used to stop the fertilizer in the event the amount of irrigation
has reached the amount of post-irrigation units. If irrigated and fertilized
by time and fertilization is serial or parallel, there is no need to set a pre-irrigation and it will be automatically calcu-
lated based on the post-irrigation and time of fertilization.
The pump ratios, the waterhammer prevention times, and planned flow rates can be configured for each of
the 30 sectors that the equipment manages.
Enter the sector number.
Indicate whether motor 1 and motor 2 will be starting up automati-
cally when the selected sector is irrigated.
Each sector has a separate waterhammer temporization in seconds
to adjust the opening and closing of the electrovalves in relation to the
motors and changes between sectors. The temporization can be positive
or negative; modify the signs by pressing the “+” or “-” keys.
With positive values, the valve opens immediately when irrigation
starts and when it ends, it stays open for the number of seconds pro-
With negative values, the opening is delayed for the number of sec-
onds programmed and when irrigation ends, it closes immediately. There
may be an exception if the sector is the last of an irrigation sequence and
the motor stopping temporization is applied.
Example of the temporization applied in the sequential irrigation of three sectors:
In meter it is shown whether the sector uses or not the irrigation meter.
The planned flow value corresponds to the volume consumed by sector through its droppers or sprinklers.
The equipment uses it to distribute the irrigation and fertilization volumes in the sector totals in those irrigated
at the same time.
Program: 12
Program 12
Type of start: [schedule]
Program 12
Units of irrigation: [hh:mm]
Program 12
Pre-irrigation: 00:00
Post-irrigation: 00:00
Sector: 01
Sector 01
Pump 1: yes
Pump 2: no
Sector 01
temporization: +028 “
Meter: yes
Planned flow: 015.50 m3/h